black dog blog


Friday, August 17, 2007

errrr, hello?

oops! been a while then!, i might be back soon!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

i know it looks a mess!!

ok so its a work in progress! pleas forgive me, i only have so much time!]

Sunday, May 15, 2005

my holiday pics

here you go folks!

this is what not to do on your first few hours on a snowboard!
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and this is the bunch of scoundrels!
definitely the best bunch of lads i have ever been snowboarding with!
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Saturday, May 14, 2005

moved at last

so, here we are, me and the dog in our new flat!
the peace is amazing, and i love the fact that i only have to answer to myself now, i can eat what i want when i want, and do what i want
(childish i know, but i have been looking forward to this for years)
off to lincolnshire tomorrow to pick up a cooker from my sister, then that will be all the stuff i need for the flat, at least i will be able to vary my diet from the microwave dinners and cheese toasties of the past week.
anyway, next weeks plan, decorating my bedroom!
bye for now!

Monday, May 02, 2005

ok so i havent moved yet!

i'm moving in on thursday!
the doors and window go on on wednesday, as well as the carpets going down!
some of the decoraing has been done, but theres still a bit to do, but once its sorted, things should be a lot better, i cant wait to have my own place.

summer league hockey should be getting going soon, and i'm going to join a squash ladder, cos i need to get fit!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

somewhere to live!

Not a bad week this one so far!

accepted a flat in a lovely area of warrington on monday, and got rid of the cast on my arm on tuesday!!!

and it looks like i should be moved in by the end of next week!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

new hope?

well it seems that the powers that be have offered me a flat in one of the most salubrious of warringtons suburbs! but what the hey! its somewhere to live, just me and the dog!!

and the plaster comes off my arm on tuesday, cant wait!!

ps, love the comments, but if you know that much you would know it was a metal bin that was also used for something else.......?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

what next then?

so , here i am, back in warrington and wondering just where my life will take me next.
first job is to find myself somewhere to live, my folks have decided that they cant cope with the added stress and expense of me and zakk living with them, so i have become homeless. as well as being jobless and penniless.

i hate being at the mercy of the benefits system, but it would appear that my fate is to be decided by people who have to abide by procedures and regulations decreed by people who have never ben within a country mile of the situation i find myself in. the last income i got was at the end of feb, and its still going to be a while until i get any money!

i cant work cos i am signed off by the doctor for the broken arm, so i cant even go and get a job!

sorry for all the moaning, but hey, thats life

not that it matters anyway, cos i know that noone ever reads this!

heres a question for you, on a planet with so many milions of people, why is it so easy to be unbearably lonely?

ah well, life must go on i suppose, it just always seems to be going in the opposite direction to me.

Monday, March 14, 2005

where did he go?

so i went away for a while, but i came back!
me and the noir pooch spent some time in the deep south, learning about new cultures and a different way of life, kind of makes me sad that i had to come home but you just know when things arent quite right. :(

anyway, once i get back on my feet i'll be a regular little blogger, like i never was!

so keep popping in and i'll divulge the full story of how i fell of a mountain in italy and bust my arm!!


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

ok so its been ages!!

i know its really naughty of me to have forgotten about the hundres of people who hang on every word of this blog, but i have just been so busy doing nothing, that i have nothing to say!!

well, i gave up playing hockey, cos i dont enjoy it anymore, and i lost my job yesterday, whoopee, what a week!!

anway, watch this space, as something might be happening on the blog front to make you laugh!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

it seems to only be updated weekly!

well, its sunday again, and its been one of those peculiar weekends, no hockey yesterday, the league has an xmas break, but i got no rest cos i was in work!

the xmas plan is coming along well, i'll have the house to myself, all three extended lord of the rings films and a new home cinema system to watch them on!

(still dont like being single at xmas though!!)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

another 1-1 thriller

well its sunday, so its blog time, and aint it all just lovelly!
another draw yesterday, we didnt play well but i scored, and we got a point so thats ok.

work is getting to be fun, with new stuff to learn every day and then remember for the next day!
guess what, its nearly xmas, in case youd missed the news!

and i have decided that i will be mostly sitting at home on my own on xmas day, aah, the peace and quiet!
then i'm working on the monday and tuesday after xmas, loads of money, just so you lot can have your beer!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

it seems to only be updated weekly!

i'm sorry, i havent had a chance to post stuff this week, strange as it may seem, i been busy!
i have been setting up my new stereo stuff to have lovely digital pics and sound coming ot of my pc to a surround amp!

got to do some advertising, richer sounds have some lovely eltax kit, i got the dac 280 amp and div x dvd player for less than £200, and some gale speakers to complement my wharfedales!

it sounds simply awesome, specially with my new sound and grafix cards, so thanks to ebuyer for them!

We had a good result yesterday in the hockey, we lost one nil to Bangor University, but seeng as they havnt lost a match yet this year, and we gave them the closest game that they have had so far, we or to be precise me, should have scored, but just didnt manage it!
we should beat them when we play them at home and have a stronger side out..

back to today now, and i'm currently helping my buddy Mal to decorate his bathroom, we've tiled the whole room, and its looking good

more news,
in twelve weeks i should be taken on permanently by scottish courage, where i'm working now, which will be nice!

its ages since i had a permanent job, and all the things that go with it, such as a pension and a bit of security!!

anyway, se you all soon, when i have morew excitement to share!!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

if i'd known it would hurt for this long!

i would never have had the bloody teeth out!

wel i just spent more money on my pc to turn it into a full on multi media centre!

digital cables every where!!

we won again yesterday, 6-1 with a hat trick coming from yours truly! which was good, as it puts us back into a reasonable position in the league

seeing as i know have every simpsons episode up to the end of season 15, i think its time to go and watch some!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

ello again!

its sunday night now, and i have to admit that i thought the worst would be over by now, what a fool i was!
the painkillers only really work for about an hour, and i can only take them every 4 !
but, as i'm not one to whinge, i wont!

hockey was abit poor yesterday, shouldnt really have played, i was in agony after the match, but i thought it would take my mind off it! losing 6-0 didnt help, but rhyl are one 0f the best sides in the league, so it was a reasonable result

took advantage of the fact that the pain is keeping me awake by waching both series of spaced, the channel 4 comedy from a few years ago, me and hoppa were up till about 4 am in fits of laughter!

still no news on the job front, but i'll keep going in until they tell me either to sign a contract or find another job!

right, i'm off to do the obviously boring, but ridiculously addictive pastime of watching my downloads come in!

i know, but its mesmerizing!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


well thats 2 wisdom teeth out, and my face hurts likehell!
got today and tomorrow off work, loads of fun!!

and i'm supposed to be going to rhyl in wales on saturday to play hockey, might not be such a good idea!

any way, the dogs happy, cos if i'm at home he'll get a lot more walks!

right, i'm off to watch loads of simpsons!
cya later

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

oooh scary!!

ok, so this time tomorrow, i will be in a dentists chair, having two wisdom teeth out!

the scary thing is the LOCAL anaesthetic!

Really not looking forward to it at all!!

sympathy would be nice!!!

Monday, November 15, 2004

ok, rose?

Still no dirty truths!!

a dogs life!

well howdy!, i had a great day today, got up late, quick trip out for the neccessary, then followed the ape round for a bit, always the off chance of a bit of food!

he did his usual, then left me alone to guard the house(he thinks!)

soon as the car had gone up the road, it was back into his warm bed, and back to dreaming about the smoothhaired little bitch down the road!

a couple of hours ago, i had a quick sniff about, had a lick, cos i can, and then went to sleep on the warm bt of floorover the hot water pipes.

anyway, must dash, all this typing has tired my paws out, and i need another snooze before he comes home and disturbs me again!

think i might dream about the big place where i can chase the rabbits, only problem is, i cant remember what to do when i get them, they never want to play!!

oh cool, the noisy dogs are out next door, excuse me while i go and bark at them!!

see you soon


Sunday, November 14, 2004

sunday, 10 distance to goa chill out albums to listen to, nuff said!

Saturday, November 13, 2004


well its saturday night and my body hurts from playing hockey, but we won and i scored a class goal, so thats ok!
time to sit and chill, and chat to some mates on msn!

stilll telling everyone about the blog! some people are interested, some arent, but i suppose thats par for the course!

anyway, must dash to console a worring freind of mine, and i still cant think of things to post!

Friday, November 12, 2004

why is it that all you want to do at work on a friday, is go home and go to sleep, (well i do anyway!) and then when you get home, you cant sleep?
another of those great mysteries!
still no word on the job front, but i know i'n working there until someone gets appointed, just hope its me.

whats on my your media player tonight? i hear you cry? well its a cd from Air, those chilled french chappies, called deck safari and its a 4 disc set of them just mixing their favourite tunes.
seems to be a feature of my listening at the moment, with others classics as coldcuts '70 minutes of madness' and the dirtchamber sessions,
but the best find of the last few weeks has been the orbs thursday afternoon sessions, 4 3 hour long sessions done by alex patterson for a small radio station.
sublime is not the word!

time to go now, playing hockey in runcorn tomorrow, so an early night is called for!

friday! wahey!!!

oops! didnt wake up till 11.30 today! still managed to start work at 12!!

and i am soo hungry!!, not even had time to go to the bank to get some money!

17:20 me happy, me fed!!

dead busy so i'll add more later

Thursday, November 11, 2004

whats to do?

ah, thats better, dog at my feet and brew in hand.

I seem to be telling more people about this blog than i am writing things in it!

so hi to emski!!

something to do while i'm at work!

I am sooo tired!
i was up till 4 on tuesday setting this blog up, and 'someone' kept me up until 3 last night!!

sleep would be nice, but i know i will be on the pc all night again tonight!

food would be good as well!, i really should cook for myself more! think it will be pancakes and bacon for tea tonight, dead quick and easy!

I'm still waiting to hear if my job is going to be made permanent, i'm temping at the moment, but interviewed for it last week, and should hear soon if i was successful.

anyway, best carry on with some work,
more later!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

ok, so i'll get the hang of it soon!
So thats me, home and sat here, brew in hand, trying to work out the attraction of these things! blogs that is!
i suppose its the knowledge that you are reading someone elses thoughts, and you can get to know a bit about someone without having to contact them.

Anyway, who am i?
just a 31 year old single white male with a dog and a job!
i keep myself busy doing all sorts of things, from coaching feild hockey, (and playing) to walking up mountains and sea fishing, sometimes the two can be intertwined, as in climbing down rugged coastlines in northwales to get to a bit of water to chuck a line into! for me its more about the location than the fishing to be honest, the fishing is an something to do once you have got to a nice place to spend some time!!
Hockey takes up a lot of my time in the winter, i play in a local league( check the link, it shows you how the team is doing). We were promoted last year, and are doing ok so far this season, but its still early!
right, i need another brew(caffiene junkie!), so until next time....

so what do i put now?!!

oops! still need some practice!!

Well, this is where i plan to tell you all about me and the dog, can't promise it will be that exciting, but someone might be interested!
A couple of mates have been doing blogs for a while, so i decided to join the party!

I'm at work right now, merrily typing numbers into my pc, and waiting for my shift to finish, so i can get home to the pooch!

He's called Zakk, and is a mixture of a springer spaniel, a border collie and a black labrador. He's crazy, but my best freind!(says a lot about me!!)

as for me, i work from 12-8 mon-fri and play hockey on saturdays, check the links for my club, and my teams results for the season.

the other links are just things i have seen and would share with you lovely people!

as for the rest of the blog, i'm in the process of a crash course in html, so things will change(hopefully for the better!)

Anyway, should really do some work now, i'll add more later!!

My first blog by mczakk

Well blog me sideways here we go!

Be gentle with me.

With this being my first time i feel quite scared and apprehensive.

Aint i clever!

So now i know how to add links to my blog!

I'll get around to talking about me soon!

and ma dawg